International Order

You can receive a full refund within 28 days from the shipping date on all international orders (no exchanges at this time). Please note that any duties and taxes paid are nonrefundable.

  1. Select the item you’re sending back and request a refund 
  2. Repackage your merchandise securely. Cover or remove any original mailing address labels or carrier barcodes on the package.

  3. Address your return to: 

    Attn: Returns
    Rocket Shippers
    3 Danforth Drive
    Easton, PA 18045

  4. Ship your package using a trackable, insured shipping method. Few Moda cannot accept responsibility for packages we do not ship. Please keep the tracking details for your records.

  5. You will receive an email once your return has been processed. Please allow 7-10 business days from the time we receive your return for it to be processed.